Monday, January 7, 2013

365 Project

It's the time of year for resolutions and although I don't generally make any, this year Sean and I decided to make a resolution together. For every day of 2013, we will take at least one photo. In reality, we will be happy if we can get 350/365 seeing as we already missed one day (oops!) But I guess what is really important about the 365 project is that we have fun while also learning more about photography. The best part of the resolution is that it will force us to get out there to take more photos and I can already tell that it will force us to think more creatively since we want to see variety in our daily photos. Seeing as how I rarely take many photos during this time of year (winter), this has been a great way to keep my eye for photographs sharp. 

Below is a portrait I took of Sean in the natural light. I used Photoshop (the absolutely wonderful Christmas gift I got from Sean and my family) to edit the photo. 

If you are a photographer, I encourage you to try the 365 project (you don't have to start on the first!) 

- Yin